Dark Champenois Truffle


  • 500g Creme a la Carte Marc de Champagne (SCM272B)
  • 100 Dark Chocolate Truffle Shells (SCS390A)
  • 100g Callebaut 811 (SCC500)
  • 50g Callebaut Medium Brown Cocoa Powder (SCC1435)


These indulgent, moreish chocolate truffles are a doddle to make, thanks to the ready-made chocolate truffle shells and Marc Champenois filling. Whip up a batch in minutes, and your customers will think you've been hard at work for hours crafting these delicious little balls of temptation!

Makes approx. 100 truffles

How to Make a Dark Champenois Truffle:

  • 100 Dark Chocolate Truffle Shells
  • 500g Creme a la Carte Marc de Champagne 
  • 100g Callebaut 811 Dark Chocolate (for closing and enrobing)
  • 50g Medium Brown Cocoa Powder (for decorating)
  1. Pipe the Marc Champenois filling into your ready-made truffle shells
  2. Temper your dark chocolate and seal each truffle, allow to set
  3. Roll each truffle shell in your hands with a little dark chocolate to coat
  4. Dust your truffles with cocoa powder for an elegant, handmade finish

Enjoyed this recipe? If you've got a little extra time, the white chocolate and Marc Champenois ganache filling would taste fantastic in a Ruby chocolate shell!

Approximate costs

Makes 100 truffles
per truffle
Please note: All costs are based on current Keylink List prices and up-to-date supermarket prices for non-Keylink products. These are given in good faith. These recipe costs could be lower if you benefit from Keylink discounts.